Wednesday, July 1, 2009

FAQ's Have a question? I'll answer it here!

-- Frequently Asked Questions--

1.) Can I give my rabbits Fruits and veggies?

This is a very controversial issue, however, I agree with only feeding small ammounts of carrots, and grass, along with minimal amounts of fruits. Some vegetables cause blockages in the rabbits, stomach, bowels, and lower intestines, such as cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, etc. They can lead to constipation, dihareah, abdominal pain, and in the lone run may cause serious intestinal problems. No veggies other than carrots is the simplest way to go. Too much fruit will cause dihreah, and it's high in sugars too, which is extremely bad for bunnies. Fruit should be given at MOST is one tablespoon, and only as a treat.

*TIP if your bunny isn't eating try a tablespoon or two of baby food per day! Other great treats are low sugar cereals such as cheerios, baby cereal, rice krispies, corn flakes, and other low/ no sugar cereal.
A little sugar, will not kill them, but just be sure not to overdo it!

2.) Do rabbits live alone, or with a companion?

This is a very controversial subject, many people say that rabbits prefer to live alone, and others say with a companion. From my observations, I've seen that my own rabbits prefer living with a playmate, however, I do believe if you had one rabbit for, lets say a year, and then you decided to get another, and put them together, I think their may be fighting, or territorial issues.

From my point of view, if you find two rabbits that are litter mates, go ahead and get them, or if they've been together for a while, I don't think there will be fighting, as to where if you got two that had never seen eachothe,r and just put them together, chances are there will be fighting.

So to conclude, if their littermates, or have been together for a couple weeks, yes, two is fine. Not if their adults, that haven't been together.

3.) What foods are bad for my rabbit?

Bunnies have sensitive tummies, and many foods bother them, as well as, like horses, rabbits can't throw up, to get rid of the food. Foods that shouldn't be given to rabbits, ever are.

Iceberg lettuce, cabbage, chocolate, nuts, alcohol, sugar, peanut butter, butter, milk, cheese, mushrooms, grapes, cherries(that still have a pit, or the canned type)

These foods are just a couple of the foods they can NEVER have, and that will harm, or kill a rabbit.

Have a question?

Leave your question as a comment, and I'll answer it!

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